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Article 1:

Simmons, C. A., Lindsey, L., Delaney, M. J., Whalley, A., & Beck, J. G. (2014). Real-World Barriers to Assessing and Treating Mental Health Problems With IPV Survivors A Qualitative Study. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260514552275.


Barriers to assessing and treating mental health problems with intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors were identified with qualitative responses from 62 IPV helping professionals who participated in an online survey question. Data were analyzed using a concept mapping approach, which resulted in following eight distinct clusters: (a) unsure, (b) limited IPV specific resources, (c) barriers to access, (d) systems-taboos, (e) immediate crisis needs, (f) fear-stigma, (g) offender’s control and (h) cultural concerns. The opinions expressed in these clusters help to better explain logistic, relational, and intrapersonal obstacles that can limit women IPV survivors’ ability to receive care for mental health conditions. Extending previous quantitative work by the authors (Simmons, Whalley, & Beck, 2014), the current portion of this project generates new ways of looking at barriers to service delivery, which can be used to develop theory and guide further research.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Discuss which barriers to assessment and treatment were most pertinent and interesting to you.
  2. How do cultural and societal factors impact the existence and intensity of these barriers?
  3. What do you believe is a counseling professional’s role in combating these barriers?

Article 2:

Cavanaugh, M. M., Solomon, P., & Gelles, R. J. (2011). The Dialectical Psychoeducational Workshop (DPEW): The conceptual framework and curriculum for a preventative intervention for males at risk for IPVViolence against women, 1077801211414266.


Current programs aimed at reducing intimate partner violence (IPV) have demonstrated little effect on at-risk males, who may potentially engage in acts of IPV. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) provides the conceptual and empirical foundation for the dialectical psychoeducational workshop (DPEW). The DPEW offers a targeted preventative intervention for individuals potentially at risk for IPV. This article offers the rationale and theoretical basis for a specialized preventative approach to IPV and delineates a brief psychoeducational program that may stimulate further research and provide an alternate preventative intervention strategy in an area in need of innovative programs.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Which aspects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy make it particularly effective in this preventative approach?
  2. What do you consider a prime advantage to a brief psychoeducational intervention?
  3. Discuss the importance of utilizing cross-discipline findings and empirical validation to create sound and effective interventions for male at risk of IPV.