Web Exercises
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
- You have been asked to prepare a brief presentation on a criminological topic or issue of interest to you. Go to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) website at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs. Browse the BJS publications for a topic that interests you. Write a short outline for a 5- to 10-minute presentation regarding your topic, including statistics and other relevant information.
- Go to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website at www.fbi.gov. Explore the types of programs and initiatives sponsored by the FBI. Discuss at least three of these programs or initiatives in terms of their purposes and goals. For each program or initiative examined, do you believe the program or initiative is effective? What are the major weaknesses? What changes would you propose the FBI make to more effectively meet the goals of the program or initiative?
- Read an article in a recent issue of a major criminological journal found online through your university library. Identify the type of research conducted for each study. Are the research questions clearly stated? Can you identify the purpose of the research (e.g., description, explanation, exploration, evaluation)?
- Search the Internet for resources that identify supposed correlates/causes of crime. Identify one such correlate/cause that is supported by scientific research. Identify one such correlate/cause that has not been supported by scientific research, but rather is based on pseudoscience. Reflect on the difference ways in which these two correlates/causes of crime were generated through research. What criminal justice policies, if any, should be influenced by research and by pseudoscience?