
Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through this quiz. You can check your answer by clicking on the arrow to the right or on what you think the correct answer is.  The correct answer will then be revealed to you for that question.

1.  The literature review helps to connect what is known already to what we wish to add to the body of knowledge from our research.

  1. True.
  2. False.



A. True.


2.  Replicative studies can enable us to repeat a study in:

  1. A different context.
  2. A different time period.
  3. A different culture.
  4. All of the above.



D. All of the above.


3.  Which of the following statements would be associated with a deductive approach to a research project?

  1. The literature review is a pre-requisite for empirical data collection.
  2. The literature review should be conducted in parallel with the empirical data collection.
  3. The literature review conducted after the collection of the empirical data helps with its interpretation.
  4. None of the above.



A. The literature review is a pre-requisite for empirical data collection.


4.  Information that has been made available to a restricted audience rather than for general public consumption is known as ‘grey’ literature.

  1. True.
  2. False.



A. True.


5.  In the SQ3R technique the 3 Rs stand for Recognise, Read and Record.

  1. True.
  2. False.



B. False.


6.  Which of the following would be regarded as Boolean operators in a literature search?

  1. AND.
  2. OR.
  3. FROM/TO.
  4. All of the above.



D. All of the above.


7.  In order to evaluate the literature it is necessary to establish some clear criteria to make sound and consistent judgements.

  1. True.
  2. False.



A. True.


8.  The literature review should enable you to identify:

  1. The key independent and dependent variables.
  2. Any postulated relationships.
  3. Theorised cause and effect mechanisms.
  4. All of the above.



D. All of the above.


9.  The literature review should be written in:

  1. A report style.
  2. A continuous narrative style.
  3. Bullet-point format.
  4. None of the above.



B. A continuous narrative style.


10. Which of the following types of information would never be used in the literature review?

  1. Secondary.
  2. Tertiary.
  3. Primary.
  4. Grey.



C. Primary.