
Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through this quiz. You can check your answer by clicking on the arrow to the right or on what you think the correct answer is.  The correct answer will then be revealed to you for that question.

1.  Your data will have a normal distribution when:

  1. The mean is greater than the median and the mode.
  2. The mean, median and mode are equal.
  3. The mean is less than the median and the mode.
  4. None of the above is true.



B. The mean, median and mode are equal.


2.  The data collected from a Likert scale will be:

  1. Nominal data.
  2. Dichotomous data.
  3. Interval data.
  4. Ordinal data.



C. Interval data.


3.  In the SPSS data sheet the columns contain the cases and the rows contain the variables.

  1. True.
  2. False.



B. False.


4.  Statistical procedures used to determine an association between two variables are known as:

  1. Univariate procedures.
  2. Multivariate procedures.
  3. Bivariate procedures
  4. Unilateral procedures.



C. Bivariate procedures


5.  Which of the following are measures of dispersion?

  1. The range.
  2. The standard deviation.
  3. The inter-quartile range.
  4. All of the above.



D. All of the above.


6.  Cronbach’s alpha coefficient provides an indication of:

  1. The reliability of a scale.
  2. The correlation between two variables.
  3. A confidence interval.
  4. Cause and effect between two variables.



A. The reliability of a scale.


7.  For a result to be regarded as ‘statistically significant’ it must be less than p = 0.5.

  1. True.
  2. False.



B. False.


8.  Which of the following will always have a value between –1 and +1?

  1. The phi coefficient.
  2. Cramer’s V coefficient.
  3. The p value.
  4. A correlation coefficient.



D. A correlation coefficient.


9.  If you have collected two independent samples from the same set of respondents you should use a paired-samples t-test to analyse this data.

  1. True.
  2. False.



A. True.


10. Which of the following are regarded as ‘data reduction’ techniques?

  1. Cluster analysis.
  2. Regression analysis.
  3. Chi-square analysis.
  4. All of the above.



A. Cluster analysis.