Further Reading

Links to SAGE readings have been provided, non-SAGE readings are suggested and you may be able to find these via your university’s library.

In this chapter, we quote Kathy Charmaz’s approach to grounded theory which combines a more interpretive influence. For her insights into how interviewees’ narratives intersect with the narratives we tell in research, see her discussion here of stories of suffering:

Charmaz, K. (1999) ‘Stories of suffering: Subjective tales and research narratives’, Qualitative Health Research, 9: 362–82.

There are many examples of discourse analysis is the health literature, which draw on a number of different theoretical traditions. To see how these are utilized in the analysis, see this example from Nettleton and colleagues, who use Foucauldian theory to unpack what is going on in accounts from recovering heroin users:

Nettleton, S., Neale, J., Pickering, L.. (2013) 'I just want to be normal': An analysis of discourses of normality among recovering heroin users’, Health (London)17(2):174-90. doi: 10.1177/1363459312451182. Epub 2012

For a careful exploration of the ways in which data generated in interviews are dependent on the context of their production, and how to take this into account in analysis, see:

Rapley, T.J. (2001) ‘The art(fulness) of open-ended interviewing: Some considerations on analysing interviews’, Qualitative Research, 1: 303–23.