Video and Multimedia
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Multimedia Links
- Video: Introduction to the honey bee waggle dance and the life of the hive.
- Video: The honey bee waggle dance, with an explanation of von Frisch’s experiments, and how to decipher the iconic meaning conveyed in the dance’s elements.
- Video: Robert Seyfarth discusses his research examining vervet alarm calls, indicating that they can function like words.
- Video: Kanzi shows some of his lexigram vocabulary, with Sue Savage-Rumbaugh. The lexigram symbols are arbitrary in nature, rather than iconic.
- Video: Kanzi performs novel commands, spoken by Sue Savage-Rumbaugh. She wears the mask to limit any cues from her eyes or face as to the intended meaning of the novel sentences.
- Audio: Recent fossils found indicating earlier Neanderthal-Human mixing than previously thought.
- Audio: Sue Savage-Rumbaugh describes her work with Kanzi and other primates. NOVA, PBS
- Audio: one woman’s story of communicating with dolphins. NPR, Radiolab.