General FAQ

Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions for SAGE amp. Click to view Instructor-Side Technical Support and Student Navigational Support.   

Download a PDF copy of these User Getting Started Guides:
PDF icon sage_amp_student_getting_started_guide_revised_spring_2020.pdf
PDF icon sage_amp_instructor_getting_started_guide_revised_spring_2020.pdf

Click on a topic to expand. 

What titles are available that use SAGE amp as a digital resource?

Currently, the following SAGE titles include SAGE amp as a digital resource:

  • Exploring Economics, 8th edition
  • Exploring Macroeconomics, 8th edition
  • Exploring Microeconomics, 8th edition
  • Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains, 2nd edition

As an instructor, can I hide questions that I do not want to include? 

Yes. If there is a question you do not want to include in an assignment, you are able to hide it from your students. For navigational help, see "Show or Hide Assignments". 

Watch this tutorial on showing and hiding assignments in SAGE amp.

For help on modifying other advanced assignment settings, please visit:

Can students access this platform through Single Sign On (SSO) in their school’s LMS?

Yes, if requested, SAGE amp can integrate with all major LMS platforms providing instructors and students with a single sign on experience.

Is the platform accessible by phone or tablet?

Yes, the platform is hosted by Google Cloud Platform and is accessible from any iOS or Android device connected to the internet.

How do students get access?

Students will purchase a code - either standalone, online, or bundled with the print text - then use the code one time to register for access.

Is it possible to use SAGE amp with Inclusive Access?

If your course is using Inclusive Access, SAGE will work with you and your institution to set it up so that students have access on the first day of class.

Can students be linked back to the chapter reading text from their assignment feedback?

No, at this time, students cannot link back to the chapter text from a question feedback. However, for higher stakes assignments, students are provided the reading text location in the feedback so they can go back into their readings for review.

Can students and instructors see all question attempts for algorithmic questions?

Yes, students and instructors can see all question attempts for all assignments, including algorithmic questions. For more instructor-side help, see Instructor-Side Technical Support. For student-side navigational help, see Student Navigational Support.

Is there a way for students and instructors to know which questions are algorithmic?

Students are not aware if a question is algorithmic or not. They will simply attempt new tries at an assignment until they have completed all questions correctly. Instructors can identify and filter based on question types, including algorithmic.