Web Resources and Media

Web Resources, Organizations and Training


  • Glasser, W. (1975). Woman with psychosomatic problems. [DVD]. Los Angeles, CA: William Glasser Inc.
  • Glasser, W. (1988). Difficult couple: Marriage counseling. [DVD]. Los Angeles, CA: William Glasser Inc.
  • Wubbolding, R. (2005). Dealing with blaming, resisting, whining, avoiding and excuse making: A group reality therapy approach. [DVD]. Cincinnati, OH: Center for Reality Therapy.
  • Wubbolding, R. (2007). Series 1: Systems of psychotherapy: Reality therapy. [DVD]. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Wubbolding, R. (2007). Reality therapy for addictions. [DVD]. San Francisco: Psychotherapy.net.
  • Wubbolding, R. (2012). Reality therapy demonstrations. [DVD]. Cincinnati, OH: Center for Reality Therapy.
  • Wubbolding, R. (2014). Joe, a model for battling cancer. [DVD]. Cincinnati OH: Center for Reality Therapy.