Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Boy, N. (2015) ‘Sovereign safety’, Security Dialogue, 46(6): 530–547.
Bellamy, A.J. (2015) ‘When states go bad: the termination of state perpetrated mass killing’, Journal of Peace Research, 52(5): 565–576.
Binder, M. (2015) ‘Paths to intervention: what explains the UN’s selective response to humanitarian crises?’, Journal of Peace Research, 52(6): 712–726.
Dancy, G. (2016) ‘Human rights pragmatism: belief, inquiry, and action’, European Journal of International Relations, 22(3): 512–535.
Pegram, T. (2015) ‘Global human rights governance and orchestration: national human rights institutions as intermediaries’, European Journal of International Relations, 21(3): 595–620.