Supplementary readings
Additional links to content, to act as supplements in your studies and provide a broader scope of information.
Collins, L.G. & Swartz, K. (2011). Caregiver care. American Family Physician, 83, 1309.
Emanuel, E.Z. (2014). Why I hope to die at 75. The Atlantic. Sept 18.
Gawande, A. (2014). Being Mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end. New York: Metropolitan Books.
Hart, J.L., Harhay, M.O., Gabler, N.B. et al. (2015). Variability among us intensive care units in managing the care of patients admitted with preexisting limits on life-sustaining therapies. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175, 1019–26.
Romero-Moreno, R., Márquez-González, M., Losada, A. & López, J. (2011). Motives for caring: relationship to stress and coping dimensions. International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 573–582.
Scott, A.M. & Caughlin, J.P. (2014). Communication nonaccommodation in family conversations about end-of-life health decisions. Health Communication, 30, 144–153.
Silver, R.C. & Wortman, C.B. (2007). The stage theory of grief. The Journal Of The American Medical Association, 297, 2692–2694.