Self-Review Questions

 Self-review questions help you to reflect on what you have learnt. Click on each question to reveal the model answer.  

1. Why is it important that decision makers (i.e., supervisors/raters) use the right information in making their judgments?

Ans: Given that good decision making relies on using the right information, it is critical that decision makers be aware of the quality and relevance of the information. At any time, and in any given situation there is a proliferation of information, not all of which is relevant to the subject at hand. If decision makers are not careful their decision may be based, at least in part, on irrelevant information. Clearly any decision made using incorrect or irrelevant information would be inappropriate and potentially dangerous.

2. What impact will the proliferation of technology in the workplace, and the number of tools now available to supervisors, have on supervisor-subordinate relationships?

Ans: With a growth technology supervisors now have a large number of tools available to monitor subordinate performance. From video camera on the shop floor to GPS in an employee’s company vehicle supervisors now have the ability to monitor their subordinate constantly. While this may seem like a positive development micro managing subordinates could have a negative impact on the trust levels between supervisors and subordinates. Subordinates may start to believe that their supervisors do not trust them, and this can potentially have a negative impact on their relationship.

3. How can organizations ensure that supervisors’ own cognitive schema has minimal impact on subordinate’s ratings/evaluations?

Ans: It is very important that organizations provide clear job descriptions, performance standards, and rating guidelines to supervisors and subordinates. In addition both supervisors and subordinate should be familiarized with the organizations PMS and trained in performance appraisal procedures. This can help minimize the impact of supervisors own cognitive schema on the subordinates evaluation.