Chapter 16 – Electronic texts

Consider the following statements and click to reveal the answer.

1. Give three examples of everyday situations in which you may need to read an electronic text.


Examples of everyday situations in which you may need to read an electronic text include:

  • Reading a web page;
  • Reading a pdf document;
  • Reading a text message on your mobile phone or the instructions on an ATM screen.

2. What are the three main characteristics that make electronic texts different from traditional print-media texts?


The three main characteristics that make electronic texts different from traditional print-media texts are:

  • They are interactive;
  • They have different structures;
  • They employ special symbols (icons/features).

3. What implications do these differences have for the teaching of literacy?


The implications these differences have for the teaching of literacy are that teachers must ensure that children have access to both paper-based and electronic texts in order to develop their reading skills and digital literacy, and that they have opportunities to write in both media for a range of purposes and audiences.