Chapter 10 – Punctuation

Consider the following statements and click to reveal the answer.

1. Which of the following definitions is more accurate?

a. Punctuation is used to show where speakers should take a breath.

b. Punctuation is used to make clear the grammatical structure of a sentence and to clarify its meaning. 


Punctuation is used to make clear the grammatical structure of a sentence and to clarify its meaning.

2. Match up the following functions of punctuation with the correct punctuation mark. The first has been done for you.

full stop

Links statements that are closely related


Used to indicate certain abbreviations


Used at the end of a sentence that asks a direct question


Mark off additional information in a stronger way than commas or dashes

question mark

Used to create a new noun from two other words

exclamation mark

Used to indicate a proper noun


Indicates a hesitation or dramatic pause


Marks off phrases beginning with participles


Used to introduce a list


Indicates direct speech

capital letter

Indicates omissions by marking the places where letters are missed out

inverted commas/speech or quotation marks

Signifies a sentence where a special note of urgency is required


Used to indicate certain abbreviations – full stop

Marks off phrases beginning with participles – comma

Used to introduce a list – colon

Links statements that are closely related – semicolon

Used at the end of a sentence that asks a direct question – question mark

Signifies a sentence where a special note of urgency is required – exclamation mark

Indicates omissions by marking the places where letters are missed out – apostrophe

Used to create a new noun from two other words – hyphen

Indicates a hesitation or dramatic pause – dash

Mark off additional information in a stronger way than commas or dashes – brackets

Used to indicate a proper noun – capital letter

Indicates direct speech – inverted commas/speech or quotation marks