Digital Marketing: Strategic Planning & Integration
Video Links
Please find below a specially curated list of videos dedicated to furthering your understanding of the chapter topics.
Easy SOCIAL MEDIA Content with Canva
Category: Practitioner guide
Explanation: Step by step approach to using Canva to re-purpose exiting material. Note: some elements shown may be outside the free package but students may be able to access this via the Canva education package
Time: 00:12:54
Citation: Canva. (2021, March 12). Easy SOCIAL MEDIA Content with Canva. YouTube.
Why It’s So Hard to Admit You’re Wrong | Cognitive Dissonance
Category: Educational video
Explanation: Helpful explanation of the meaning of cognitive dissonance and why this makes us feel uncomfortable.
Time: 00:05:31 end at 05:11
Category: Educational video
Explanation: An older video where stakeholder theory is explained by the creator of stakeholder theory, by R. Edward Freeman.
Time: 00:02:57
*You can also access a playlist containing all the videos, as well as videos from the author.