Select SAGE journal articles are available to give you more insight into chapter topics. These are also an ideal resource to help support your literature reviews, dissertations and assignments.
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Crang, M. (2003) ‘Qualitative methods: Touchy, feely, look-see?’, Progress in Human Geography, 27(4): 494–504.
DeLyser, D. and Sui, D. (2014) ‘Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm III: Enduring methods, open geography, participatory research, and the fourth paradigm’, Progress in Human Geography, 29(2): 294–307.
Coombes, B., Johnson, J.T. and Howitt, R. (2014) ‘Indigenous geographies III: Methodological innovation and the unsettling of participatory research’, Progress in Human Geography, 38(6): 845–54.