Key Methods in Geography
Third Edition
Further Reading
Further reading links to supplement your studies.
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- Boyd, D. and Crawford, K. (2012). ‘Critical Questions for Big Data’, Information, Communication & Society, 15(5): 662–79.
- Crampton, J. W., Graham, M., Poorthuis, A., Shelton, T., Stephens, M., Wilson, M. W. and Zook, M. A. (2013). ‘Beyond the geotag: situating “big data” and leveraging the potential of the geoweb. Cartography and Geographic Information Science’, 40(2): 130–39.
- Elwood, S. (2014). ‘Straddling the fence: Critical GIS and the geoweb’, Progress in Human Geography.
- Goodchild, M. F. (2007). ‘Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography’, GeoJournal, 69(4): 211–21.
- Graham, M. and Shelton, T. (2013). ‘Geography and the future of big data, big data and the future of geography’, Dialogues in Human Geography, 3(3): 255–61.
- Kitchin, R. M. (2013). ‘Big data and human geography: Opportunities, challenges and risk’, Dialogues in Human Geography, 3(3): 262–67.
- Shearmur, R. (2015). ‘Dazzled by data: Big Data, the census and urban geography’, Urban Geography, 1–4.
Online resources