Further Reading

Further reading links to supplement your studies.

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There are three key texts that provide detailed descriptions of how to utilise MINITAB and SPSS for analysing statistical data. Although many more than this are available, the following three books contain examples and statistical tests that are relevant for the geographer and do so in an accessible manner. In particular, all three have a good balance between statistical theory and its application using software packages.

  • Wheeler et al.’s (2004) utilises both MINITAB and SPSS as the basis for undertaking a range of both inferential and multivariate statistical texts, whereas Bryman and Cramer (2011) and Field (2013) utilise SPSS only.
    Wheeler, D. Shaw, G. and Barr, S. (2004) Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis. London: Fulton.
  • Bryman and Cramer’s (2011) text is written exclusively for social scientists and largely uses non-technical language to understand even quite complex ideas.
    Bryman, A. and Cramer, D. (2011) Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19. London: Routledge.
  • Field’s (2013) approach is also accessible and humorous in places.
    Field, A. (2013) Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. London: Sage.

Online resources

Websites: visit the MINITAB and SPSS websites for an indication of what the two programmes offer: