Links & Readings
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On cultural and historical memory in Scotland, see Andrew Blaikie The Scots Imagination and Modern Memory (2010);
For discussion of the idea of ‘community’, see Anthony Cohen’s work, especially The Symbolic Construction of Community (1985); Symbolising Boundaries: identity and diversity in British cultures (1986); and Signifying Identities (2000). See also Michael Herzfeld Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-state (1997).
For different meanings of community, see G. Crow and C. Maclean ‘Community’, in G. Payne (ed.) Social Divisions (2013); and R. Pahl ‘Are all communities communities in the mind?’, in The Sociological Review, 2005.
On the social and cultural significance of jokes and humour, see M. Billig’s Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a Social Critique of Humour (2005); and Christie Davies’ Jokes and Targets (2011).
On memory and history more generally, see P. Nora ‘Between Memory and History’, in Representations, 26, Spring 1989; and D. Bell ‘Mythscapes: memory, mythology and national identity’, in British Journal of Sociology, 54(1) 2003.