Links & Readings

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On the sociology and anthropology of consumption, see J. Webb, Organisations, Identities and the Self (2006); and D. Miller, Stuff (2010), and D. Miller Consumption and its Consequences (2012); E. McDonnell, ‘Budgetary Units: a Weberian approach to consumption’, in American Journal of Sociology, 119(2), 2013; P. Bourdieu Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste (1979); and R. Jenkins Pierre Bourdieu (1992).

On the fusion of production and consumption, see G. Ritzer ‘The “new” world of prosumption: evolution, “the return of the same”, or revolution?’, in Sociological Forum, 30(1) 2015; G. Ritzer The McDonaldization of Society (1993); G. Ritzer Enchanting a Disenchanted World: revolutionizing the means of consumption (1999).

On the global fashion industry, see Museum fürKunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg Fast Fashion: the dark sides of fashion (2015) (