Advancing the Story: Quality Journalism in a Digital World
Writing for the Web
Poynter has more than 10,000 articles and online resources that offer tips, techniques, and advice on how to produce stronger text-based web content.
Search Engine Watch
If you're really interested in web writing, you'll want to understand what's called "search engine optimization." The idea is to create digital content that is more likely to come up at the top of the search results page on Google, Yahoo, and other popular online search sites.
Reuters Handbook of Journalism
Writing for the web often involves incorporating social media content in some way, either as a source or as an element of the story itself. The Reuters Handbook of Journalism offers a comprehensive overview of best practices.
How People Use the Web
Nielsen Norman Group
Dr. Jakob Nielsen is one of the leading experts on web usability, and this site features compelling research on the issue as well as good information on writing for the web. Click the link titled “Web Writing and Content Strategy” at the bottom of the page under “Popular Topics.”
Google Trends
To get a good idea of the content areas people are searching for, check out Google Trends. The trending stories list on the home page can be viewed by category and country, so you can see what is resonating in the United States and beyond as it relates to online searches.