Advancing the Story: Quality Journalism in a Digital World
Fourth Edition
Module 8
Storytelling: Broadcast
Gathering audio and video is just the first step in creating a broadcast story. You still have to choose the best of those elements and decide how they should go together. As you complete these exercises and explore the module resources, you will learn to:
- Select sound. Try your hand at choosing sound bites for a TV story.
- Make graphics meaningful. Decide whether a graphic is needed and what kind of graphic would help the audience understand a story.
- Tell a natural sound story. Screen a nat sound story and discuss the use of sound.
- Work with video and audio. Explore tutorials on sound and video editing, and nat sound stories.
Module Exercises
- Exercise 1: Choosing and Writing to Sound Bites
- Exercise 2: Discover Natural Sound Stories
- Exercise 3: Skill Building--Choosing Graphics