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So you want to be a project manager? Visit this web page to check out whether you have the qualities that the American Management Association thinks you should have.
Are you the right material for the project management role? Read 10 reasons why you might not be at the TechRepublic website.
Projects fail all the time and for many different reasons. You can check out some of the more well-known reasons on the following web page.
How to write a project management report.
Read this article to learn about how a social capital lens can help us identify the mechanisms of top management commitment.
Dobinson, K. (2013). Lessons from the London Olympics: A cribsheet for major projects. The Guardian, 22 January.
How to achieve project success? Read this to learn about seven crucial success elements.
Read this article to learn about the Anthropocene as a fundamental concept.
Mazzucato, M. (2019). Takers and Makers: Who are the Real Value Creators? Evonomics, 30 June.
To gain a better understanding of the complexity of what value is and who the ‘takers and makers’ are, read the article ‘Takers and Makers: Who Are the Real Value Creators?’ by Professor Mariana Mazzucato (2019).