Read this
A toxic culture can be challenging for projects and project-based firms. Read the article, based on the case of Uber, to learn about various processes to improve the culture. One man cannot do it alone.
Read this cautionary tale, by Calder, from Canada. It describes well the pitfalls encountered by a new hydroelectric project in Muskerat Falls that failed to address important stakeholders.
Read this insightful piece on value capturing and the role it can play in funding, including examples on how rail works lift property prices.
Read this article about Airbus A380. It explains the development journey and the reasons why Airbus A380 could develop from a high-tech marvel to a commercial flop. This project was initially hailed as a great success but became a great failure.
Read this 2018 article, ‘Lack of technical knowledge in leadership is a key reason why so many IT projects fail’, in which Darryl Carlton analyses why so many IT projects fail.