Extend your knowledge
Read this article about the most significant research strategies in the world for innovation projects. Here you can learn about “Horizon Europe” where EU plans to spend €100 billion on research – and how to get the most from it.
Increasingly, public sector initiatives are being delivered by projects that involve collaborations between different organizational actors. One such arena is the sphere of public health initiatives in which it is reasoned that partnerships between sectors can achieve better outcomes than could individual partners working alone. Read about this in the article by Jones and Barry (2018) wrote an article, “‘Factors influencing trust and mistrust in health promotion partnerships.”
Read this article to learn about how to compare RCF with another well-established economical-based method, Earned Valued Management (EVM), in a real-life project. They concluded RCF performs best, both for cost and time forecasting and so support the practical relevance of the technique. Practical application and empirical evaluation of reference class forecasting for project management.