Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of a neuron is sometimes myelinated?

  1. dendrite
  2. axon
  3. soma
  4. axon hillock

Answer: B

2. Neurons are specialized to receive, conduct and transmit

  1. electrochemical signals
  2. action potentials
  3. electrical signals
  4. chemical signals

Answer: A

3. Most of a neuron’s DNA is contained within its

  1. cytoplasm
  2. axon
  3. nucleus
  4. endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: C

4. An adult brain contains roughly how many neurons?

  1. 10 million
  2. 10 billion
  3. 100 million
  4. 100 billion

Answer: D

5. A membrane potential is the difference in electrical charge between

  1. potassium and sodium ions
  2. the inside and outside of the cell
  3. phosphoric acid and glycolipid layers
  4. resting and action potentials    

Answer: B

6. A neuron fires when

  1. there is an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
  2. hyperpolarization occurs at the axon hillock
  3. neurotransmitters dock onto receptor proteins
  4. depolarization at the axon hillock exceeds the threshold for excitation

Answer: D

7. The end of the rising phase of an action potential occurs when the

  1. potassium channels close
  2. sodium channels close
  3. potassium channels open
  4. chloride channels open

Answer: B

8. Neurotransmitters are often stored in

  1. synaptic buttons
  2. microtubules
  3. vesicles
  4. endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: C

9. What effect does myelination have on axons?

  1. it protects them from damage
  2. it slows the propagation of signals along them
  3. it prevents cross talk between adjacent axons
  4. it allows them to conduct signals significantly faster

Answer: D

10. Interactions between neurons commonly occur across junctions called

  1. synapses
  2. juxtapositions
  3. presynaptic membranes
  4. postsynaptic membranes

Answer: A

11. Neurotransmitter release occurs through the process of

  1. excitation
  2. exocytosis
  3. pinocytosis
  4. synthesis

Answer: B

12. Once released, neurotransmitter molecules typically produce signals in postsynaptic neurons by

  1. entering the postsynaptic neuron
  2. attaching to vesicles
  3. binding to presynaptic receptors
  4. binding to postsynaptic receptors

Answer: D

13. After release, most neurotransmitters are deactivated by

  1. reuptake
  2. postsynaptic receptors
  3. enzymes
  4. buffered diffusion

Answer: A

14. The abbreviation 5-HT stands for

  1. serotonin
  2. dopamine
  3. acetylcholine
  4. tryptophan

Answer: A

15. Drugs that facilitate the activity of a synapse of a particular neurotransmitter are said to be ______ of that neurotransmitter.

  1. agonists
  2. antagonists
  3. autoreceptors
  4. endorphins

Answer: A

16. A substance that binds to a receptor is known as

  1. a Carlsson mediator
  2. a ligand
  3. an anti-telharsic inhibitor
  4. a gluon

Answer: B

17. Exogenous substances

  1. originate within the body
  2. are released via exocytosis
  3. are natural neurotransmitters
  4. originate outside the body

Answer: D

18. Microdialysis is a technique used to measure

  1. action potentials
  2. inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
  3. neurotransmitters
  4. brain waves

Answer: C

19. Antipsychotic drugs given for schizophrenia and psychosis are

  1. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  2. acetylcholine agonists
  3. postsynaptic dopamine antagonists
  4. testosterone antagonists

Answer: C

20. A typical synaptic cleft is

  1. 40 nm wide
  2. 60 nm wide
  3. 80 nm wide
  4. 20 nm wide

Answer: D