Multiple Choice Questions

1. The female gonads are

  1. the XX chromosomes
  2. the external sexual organs, i.e. the vulva
  3. the ovaries
  4. the vaginal glands

Answer: C

2. Males have chromosomes

  1. XX
  2. XY
  3. YY     
  4. XXX

Answer: B

3. The principal hormone in females is

  1. testosterone
  2. oestrogen
  3. androgen
  4. dihydrotestosterone

Answer: B

4. Twins that share 100% of their genes are termed

  1. monozygotic
  2. dizygotic
  3. unizygotic
  4. bizygotic

Answer: A

5. What term is used to describe a person with both male and female reproductive tissues?

  1. intrasex
  2. pseudohermaphrodite
  3. intersex
  4. aphrodite

Answer: C

6. Which of the following is not a sex chromosome atypical condition?

  1. Turner’s syndrome
  2. Klinefelter’s syndrome
  3. XXX syndrome
  4. YYY syndrome

Answer: D

7. Which of the following is not used as a measure of the sex of an individual?

  1. sex chromosomes
  2. verbal ability
  3. gonads
  4. external genitalia

Answer: B

8. Psychosocial theorists see sexuality as a result of

  1. environmental factors
  2. hormonal atypicality
  3. sex chromosome atypicality
  4. a combination of biological factors

Answer: A

9. Spermarche marks the onset of puberty in

  1. males
  2. females
  3. both males and females
  4. neither males nor females

Answer: A

10. In developing males within the womb, receptor cells in the hypothalamus do NOT respond to

  1. androgen
  2. testosterone
  3. oestrogen
  4. gonadotropins

Answer: C

11. The prenatal androgen theory proposes that female homosexuality occurs because of

  1. underexposure to prenatal androgens
  2. overexposure to testosterone
  3. overexposure to prenatal androgens
  4. underexposure to oestrogen

Answer: C

12. Which of the following are NOT characteristics commonly associated with Klinefelter’s syndrome?

  1. undersized penis
  2. inability to produce sperm
  3. high sexual motivation
  4. development of breasts

Answer: C

13. An individual with 5-alpha reductase syndrome is

  1. genetically male but with female appearance
  2. genetically female but with male appearance
  3. male sex but female gender
  4. female sex but male gender

Answer: A

14. Individuals with Turner’s syndrome inherit what chromosomes?

  1. XX
  2. XO
  3. XXY
  4. XXX

Answer: B

15. Individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia have

  1. XY chromosomes
  2. YY chromosomes
  3. XX chromosomes
  4. XXX chromosomes

Answer: C

16. Which of the following is NOT a condition caused by the actions of organizational hormones?

  1. androgen insensitivity syndrome
  2. 5-alpha reductase syndrome
  3. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  4. super-X-syndrome

Answer: D

17. A common characteristic of XYY syndrome is

  1. learning difficulties
  2. inhibited growth
  3. development of breasts
  4. higher intelligence

Answer: A

18. According to Gibbons (1991), approximately how much larger is the human male brain to human female brain?

  1. 5%
  2. 10%
  3. 15%
  4. 20%

Answer: C

19. According to Allen and Gorski (1990), which area of the brain appears to be larger in males?

  1. the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
  2. the corpus callosum
  3. the limbic system
  4. the prefrontal cortex

Answer: A

20. Which of the following were NOT suggested to be greater in males compared to females, according to Maccoby and Jacklin (1974)?

  1. mathematical ability
  2. aggression
  3. visuo-spatial ability
  4. verbal skills

Answer: D