Multiple Choice Questions

1. Gibson’s direct theory of perception is important because it shows perception to be

  1. top–down
  2. constructive
  3. impoverished
  4. dynamic

Answer: D

2. Before light is absorbed by cells in the retina, it travels through a number of structures at the front of the eye. What is the correct order of these structures?

  1. cornea; pupil; lens
  2. pupil; cornea; lens
  3. cornea; lens; pupil
  4. pupil; lens; cornea

Answer: A

3. What transmits electrical information from the ear to the brain?

  1. outer hair cells
  2. auditory nerve fibres
  3. ganglion cells
  4. rods and cones

Answer: B

4. How many chambers are there in the human cochlea?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: C

5. Perception is …

  1. … an accurate representation of the world
  2. … an appropriate representation of the world
  3. … an adequate representation of the world
  4. … a native representation of the world

Answer: C

6. A driver fails to notice a pedestrian who has just stepped out into the road. This is an example of

  1. change blindness
  2. attentional blindness
  3. space-based attention
  4. inattentional blindness

Answer: D

7. In the cochlea, the basal membrane is tonotopic, i.e. sounds are

  1. organized spatially according to frequency
  2. organized in terms of how frequently they fire
  3. organized spatially according to the size of connecting nerve fibres
  4. organized according to left or right ear input

Answer: A

8. Which one of the following is NOT a pair of Gestalt psychology principles?

  1. continuity and closure principles
  2. similarity and emergence principles
  3. symmetry and order principles
  4. proximate and eminence principles

Answer: D

9. The organ of Corti is responsible for

  1. limiting sound amplitude so as not to damage the inner ear organs
  2. reducing the amount of environmental noise
  3. amplifying attended sounds
  4. converting basilar membrane movement to brain activity

Answer: D

10. Which area of the temporal lobes is thought to be specialized for processing face-like stimuli?

  1. the fusiform gyrus area (FGA)
  2. the focal face area (FFA)
  3. the fusiform facial area (FFA)
  4. the face formation arena (FFA)

Answer: C

11. Which one of the following statements is NOT an account of constructivist perception?

  1. perception is not just sensation, it is an active process
  2. perception is a direct by-product of sensations and hypotheses about the world and how it works
  3. perception is derived from visual information in the optic array
  4. perception is influenced by individual differences

Answer: C

12. The auditory ventral stream terminates in

  1. Shatner’s bassoon
  2. orbitofrontal cortex
  3. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
  4. cingulate gyrus

Answer: B

13. Rod photoreceptors are principally involved in processing

  1. colour
  2. movement
  3. visual acuity
  4. location

Answer: B

14. Cells leaving the eye travel along two major visual routes (and some minor ones). One of these is the lateral genicular pathway. What is the other major pathway?

  1. The ocular geniculate pathway
  2. The tuberoinfundibular pathway
  3. The mesocortical pathway
  4. The retinotectal pathway

Answer: D

15. In the direct theory of perception, information in the visual field that remains constant is the

  1. optic array
  2. optic flow
  3. invariant
  4. affordance

Answer: C

16. Two processes that when independently disrupted leave the other one intact are known as

  1. double jeopardy
  2. double entendre
  3. double dissociation
  4. double association

Answer: C

17. What is the name for the phenomenon of experiencing one kind of impression when stimulated by a different sensory organ stimulus (e.g. tasting shapes, smelling colour, seeing sounds)?

  1. divided attention
  2. synaesthesia
  3. prosopagnosia
  4. perceptual load

Answer: B

18. The fovea contains a concentration of

  1. cones
  2. rods
  3. rods and cones
  4. vitreous humour

Answer: A

19. Which of the following is NOT an element of Broadbent’s theory of attention?

  1. limited capacity processor
  2. selective filter
  3. sensory buffer
  4. spotlight

Answer: D

20. The direct perception of an object’s purpose is the

  1. ecological optic
  2. affordance
  3. invariant
  4. optic array

Answer: B