SAGE Journal Articles

Deepen your knowledge with these carefully selected journal articles that provide extra commentary and analysis on important topics.

Hobolt, Sara Binzer, and Patrick Leblond. “Is My Crown Better than Your Euro?: Exchange Rates and Public Opinion on the European Single Currency.” European Union Politics 10, no. 2 (June 2009): 202–25.

  1. What does a currency represent for a country?
  2. What exchange rate are the Danes’ concerned about and what exchange rate are the Swedes’ concerned about?
  3. What is the CCI?
  4. What did you learn from this article?


Samuels, J., Greenfield, S., & Mpuku, H. (1992). Exporting and the Smaller Firm. International Small Business Journal, 10(2), 24–36.

  1. Discuss export credit practices.
  2. How did the companies deal with exchange risk?


Batra, Mansi, and Linda Niehm. “An Opportunity Analysis Framework for Apparel Retailing in India: Economic, Social, and Cultural Considerations for International Retail Firms.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 27, no. 4 (October 2009): 287–300.

  1. If you were an international retailer, would you want to enter India? Why or why not?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of entering India?
  3. Discuss two propositions in the paper that you agree with.