SAGE Journal Articles

Deepen your knowledge with these carefully selected journal articles that provide extra commentary and analysis on important topics.

Arimah, Ben C. “What Drives Infrastructure Spending in Cities of Developing Countries?” Urban Studies 42, no. 8 (July 2005): 1345–68. 

  1. Why is infrastructure development important in developing countries?
  2. Why do international marketers care about infrastructure development?
  3. Improving the quality of _____________ leads to an increase in infrastructure spending


Ekeledo, Ikechi, and K. Sivakumar. “Foreign Market Entry Mode Choice of Service Firms: A Contingency Perspective.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 26, no. 4 (October 1998): 274–92.

  1. Do you think the knowledge we have about manufacturing firms can be applied to service firms?
  2. Do you agree with the authors’ framework? Why or why not?