SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1: vanBochoev, M., Burgers, J., Geurts, A., deKoster, W., & vanderWaal, J. (2015). Questioning ethnic identity: Interview effects in research about immigrants' self-definition and feelings of belonging. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(5), 652-666.
Summary: Although studies on ethnicity-of-interviewer effects demonstrate that the interviewer’s ethnic background influences respondents’ answers, they often do not take the multifaceted nature and context-dependency of ethnic identifications into account. This research discerns two aspects of ethnic identification—defining oneself as being ethnic and expressing feelings of belonging to ethnic groups—of which the latter is expected to be more sensitive to interviewer effects. It also compares three, instead of two, interview situations—being interviewed by (a) a majority member, (b) a co-ethnic, and (c) a non-co-ethnic minority member—as to empirically scrutinize the scope of interviewer effects while disentangling whether they are cross-ethnically accommodating (respondents stress their similarities with the non-co-ethnic interviewer) or ethnically affirming (respondents emphasize their own ethnic identity).
Questions to consider:
- Do you feel you are impacted by your ethnic background when working with persons of a different culture than yours?
- What do you understand about your own ethnicity and how is that understanding important in working as a culturally competent counselor?
- How has your interaction with persons of another culture impacted your understanding of that culture?
Article 2: Jaspal, R., & Cinnirella, M. (2011). The construction of ethnic identity: Insights from identity process theory. Ethnicities, 12(5), 503-530.
Summary: The article explores the potential psychological benefits of ethnic identification. Key theoretical strands from anthropology and sociology, such as the ‘relational self’ in ethnic identification, are discussed in relation to IPT. The intergroup dimension of ethnic identification is also explored through the discussion of ethnic ‘boundaries’. Finally, it discusses the construct of ‘hybridization’ in relation to social psychology.
Questions to consider:
- What are some of the potential psychological benefits of ethnic identification?
- How important is identity process theory to a persons identification process?
- How does “hybridization” relate to social psychology?