SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1: Everett, B. (2015). Sexual orientation identity change and depressive symptoms: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 56(1), 37-58.
Summary: Several new studies have documented high rates of sexual identity mobility among young adults, but little work has investigated the links between identity change and mental health. This study uses the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (N = 11,727) and employs multivariate regression and propensity score matching to investigate the impact of identity change on depressive symptoms.
Questions to consider:
- What does Everett discuss as the links between identity change and mental health?
- What are some of the negative impacts of identity change?
- How can you advocate for persons who are engaged in trying to understand their own sexual identity?
Article 2: Borders, A., Guillen, L. A., & Meyer, I. H. (2014). Rumination, sexual orientation uncertainty, and psychological distress in sexual minority university students. The Counseling Psychologist, 42(4), 497-523.
Summary: This study examined associations between uncertainty about sexual orientation, rumination, and psychological distress in university students.
Questions to consider:
- How is higher sexual orientation uncertainty associated with greater rumination, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress?
- How can you, as a counselor, help clients move through rumination in a healthy manner?
Article 3: Ueno, K., Vaghela, P., & Ritter, L. J. (2014). Sexual orientation, internal migration, and mental health during the transition to adulthood. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 55(4), 461-481.
Summary: Previous research has suggested that sexual minorities may have higher rates of migration than heterosexuals, indicating their effort to escape stigma in the currently residing areas. However, direct evidence for the migration pattern has been lacking, and mental health implications of such coping effort have been unclear. This study seeks to fill these gaps in the literature by analyzing the Add Health data, which include longitudinal measures of residential locations, sexual orientation, and mental health. The analysis focuses on the transition to adulthood, when the rate of internal migration peaks.
Questions to consider:
- Ueno, Vaghela, and Ritter discuss the importance in filling the gaps in literature regarding the lack of evidence for the migration pattern of sexual minorities. What is your understanding of the information they present?
- What do you attribute to the difference in migration for males and females?
- Why do you believe people who migrate to other locations demonstrate better mental health?