Statistics with R
Student Resources
Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods
1. These data are taken from Chapter 1: 28, 31, 22, 26, 23, 27, 24, 28, 21, 30, and 41. See Table 1, Section 1.1. (These data values are the age of 11 individuals in a statistics class.) Use R to answer the following questions. What is the median?
- 28
- 26
- 25
- 27 X
> age <- c(28, 31, 22, 26, 23, 27, 24, 28, 21, 30, 41)
> median(age)
[1] 27
2. What is the mode of the set of data used in the preceding exercise?
- 27
- 30
- 28 X
- 26
> table(age)
21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 41
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
3. Find the 28th and 73rd percentiles of the data used in the previous exercise.
- 24 and 30 X
- 26 and 28
- 26 and 30
- 25 and 27
> quantile(age, type = 2, probs = c(0.28, 0.73))
28% 73%
24 30
4. What is the range of the data used in the preceding exercise?
- 17
- 20 X
- 13
- 22
> max(age) - min(age)
[1] 20
5. What is the interquartile range of the data used above?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7 X
> IQR(age, type = 2)
[1] 7
> quantile(age, type = 2, probs = c(0.75)) - quantile(age, type = 2, probs = c(0.25))
6. What is the variance of the data used in the previous exercises?
- 33.34219
- 27.68511
- 30.85455 X
- 24.33333
> var(age)
[1] 30.85455
7. Find the standard deviation of the data used above.
- 6.155534
- 5.554687 X
- 6.073421
- 5.323245
> sd(age)
[1] 5.554687
8. Find the coefficient of variation for the data used above.
- 0.2029952 X
- 0. 2430017
- 0.1871433
- 0.1923429
> sd(age) / mean(age)
[1] 0.2029952
9. What is the largest standardized value?
- 3.654648
- 3.145634
- -2.965606
- 2.454929 X
> scale(sort(age))
[1,] -1.14563369
[2,] -0.96560554
[3,] -0.78557739
[4,] -0.60554924
[5,] -0.24549293
[6,] -0.06546478
[7,] 0.11456337
[8,] 0.11456337
[9,] 0.47461967
[10,] 0.65464783
[11,] 2.45492935
10. The eight-day forecast of high-and-low temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) for New York City for the period from June 8 to June 15, 2017 is: 68 and 56; 82 and 64; 84 and 69; 93 and 70; 91 and 71; 90 and 70; 84 and 64; and 78 and 69. Create a data frame consisting of the two variables (name them “high” and “low,” respectively), name the data frame “temps.” Find the correlation and covariance of variables “high” and “low.”
- 23.15571 and 0.9471028
- 40.27653 and 0.8778212
- 34.60714 and 0.8407997 X
- 46.15235 and 0.9176467
> high <- c(68, 82, 84, 93, 91, 90, 84, 78)
> low <- c(56, 64, 69, 70, 71, 70, 64, 69)
> temps <- data.frame(High = high, Low = low)
> cov(temps$High, temps$Low)
[1] 34.60714
> cor(temps$High, temps$Low)
[1] 0.8407997