Doing Qualitative Research
Watch – Videos: Take masterclasses from other researchers – avoid common pitfalls, get encouragement, and ensure you’re going in the right direction with short videos that explore key terms and processes in qualitative research. Corresponding questions online help you internalize important lessons and apply them to your own project.
25.1 A Successful Viva
Emma talks about what happened at her viva:
Make a list of the lessons Emma has taught you for your own viva. Did anything about her experience surprise you? What questions do you expect to come up in your own viva and how will you prepare for them?
25.2 The exam process
What are your examiners looking for? An academic explains how to give a good impression and what to expect during the oral examination:
How can you prepare for your viva with the examiners’ perspectives in mind? What parts of your research paper might you need to spend more or less time revising?