Doing Qualitative Research
Read – Chapters, Journal Articles, and Research Blogs: Find top research articles to cite and enrich your reading with your ready-made bibliography of qualitative research from SAGE books, journals, and other credible sources. Use the discussion questions online to practice thinking critically about research.
6.1 Ethnography
For guidance on ethnography visit:
Given, L. M. (2008). Ethnography. The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (Vols. 1-0). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Q. How would you summarise the key elements of ethnographic research?
6.2 Fieldwork
What is it like to do fieldwork? In this paper, Susan Murray teases out the moral, ethical and political decisions that take place in the field.
Q. In carrying out your research, what identities will you have to negotiate between? How will you do this in an ethical way?
6.3 CDA.
For a brief introduction to critical discourse analysis, visit this online article.
Q. What keywords would you use to describe critical discourse analysis?
6.4 Analysing blogs
Blogs have become a significant part of online culture. In this paper, Nicholas Hookway considers how you can treat the ‘blogosphere’ as data.
Q. What do you think are the most useful research approaches outlined in this article?