Researching Society and Culture
Free SAGE Journal articles
Widen your reading list with the materials listed below.
Seale, C. (1999b). Quality in qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 5(4), 465–478. Retrieved from
Meyrick, J. (2006). What is good qualitative research?: A first step towards a comprehensive approach to judging rigour/quality. Journal of Health Psychology, 11(5), 799–808. Retrieved from
Decker, S. H., & Pyrooz, D. C. (2010). On the validity and reliability of gang homicide: A comparison of disparate sources. Homicide Studies, 14(4), 359–376. Retrieved from
Walwyn, R., & Roberts, C. (2010). Therapist variation within randomised trials of psychotherapy: Implications for precision, internal and external validity. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 19(3), 291–315. Retrieved from